The Government is the highest body of executive power. The government consists of the Prime Minister, deputy prime ministers, and ministers. The Section for Science, Research and Innovations (SRI) was established within the Office of the Government of the Czech Republic as a coordinating and managing body for the system of science and research. The head of the Section is the Deputy Prime Minister of Science, Research and Innovation, Chairman of the Council for Competitiveness and Economic Growth and Chairman of the Research, Development and Innovation Council. The main objectives of the Section are as follows: science policy unification; setting up of the rules for transparent funding of institutions engaged in science, research and innovations; identification and support of excellence in science and the expansion of international scientific cooperation. Science and research communications and improvements in cooperation between academic institutions and the business sector also constitute a part of the agenda of the Section because the support of science and research is recognized as a substantial part of the competitiveness of the Czech Republic.