Structural Funds

The intention of the European Union is that the Structural funds contribute, to the greatest possible, to fulfilling the EU 2020 Strategy – strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth, which is a long-term vision for the development of the European Union. For a better use of these Funds for the benefit of the EU 2020 Strategy, each country has drawn up a Partnership Agreement, which was assessed and evaluated by the European Commission. Individual programmes will contribute to its implementation. These documents also specify the distribution of allocated funds among areas of intervention. Distribution of these funds through different programmes is administered by thematically relevant public bodies.

The relevant ones for R&D support are:

Operational Programme Enterprise and Innovations for Competitiveness (Entrepreneurship and Innovations Agency) –

Operational Programme Research, Development and Education (Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports) –

Operational Programme Prague – Growth Pole of the Czech Republic (Prague City Hall) –

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